PA213 Advanced Computer Graphics

  1. Introduction

  2. Fluid Simulation and Rendering

  3. Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Ray Tracing

  4. Fractals, L-Systems

  5. GPU Acceleration for General Processing

  6. Computational Photography

  7. Terrains

  8. Participating Media in Computer Graphics

  9. From 2D Sketch to 3D Animated Character via Quadratic Programming

  • types of BVH creation,

  • Terrain map optimizations through the similar to MIN MAP method (closer with more detial further with less based on multiple different level of detail maps),

  • 2 types of parallelism,

  • ray-tracing / slicing in volume rendering,

  • Hilbert curve.

Fluid Simulation and Rendering

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic
  • simulate fluid using a set of particles (Lagrange)

  • compute forces using Euler

  • smooth properties of particles into continuous fields

  • on the fields we use momentum and incompressibility

    • (isn’t needed because we simulate particles)

    • particles move with the fluid → is not needed

    • we only need to solve

    • we recall Newton’s 2nd law of motion →

Euler approach

  • vector field

  • each fixed point on a grid stores fluid velocity

  • for each point in grid we store: —  — fluid velocity —  — pressure — …​

Incompressible constraint

volume of any subregion of the fluid is constant over time

Homogeneous constraint

fluid density doesn’t change

Navier-Stokes equations
  • velocity → vector field

  • pressure → scalar field

  • partial differential equations define changes in over time

  • incompressibility:

    •  — pressure scalar field

    •  — density of fluid

    •  — viscosity — resistance to deformation

    •  — acceleration vector field, e.g. gravity

    •  — gradient operator

    •  — divergence operator

    •  — directional derivative

    •  — Laplacian

    • custom equations (i.e. temperature, smoke density) can be added

  • ray marching — sample 3d texture along the ray and sum up

  • first render box back faces — into alpha

  • second render box front faces — into z

  • extract start points and ray length

  • special case: camera intersects volume → use near plane instead

  • "banding" artifact: caused by integral number of samples → weigh values of samples by their distance from the camera

Lagrange approach

  • fluid is a set of particles

  • each particle stores: —  — mass —  — position vector —  — velocity vector —  — total external force

Newton’s equations of motion
Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)

a differential equation of one variable (it may contain functions of that variables and its derivatives)

Moving particles
  • using an ODE:

  • solving using Euler:

  • solving using midpoint:

External forces
  • gravity: , where typically

  • Lennard-Jones force between particles

Height-field surface approximation

  • model of fluid surface

  • change of in time is given by

  • is the speed of waves

  • we need an auxilary function to solve discretely

Bounding Volume Hierarchies (BVH) for Ray Tracing

  • BVH reduce ray/scene traversal complexity from to .

BVH construction methods
  • top-down

  • bottom-up

Efficient BVH
  • fast insertion query

  • fast construction / updates

Surface Area Heuristic (SAH)
  • Snažíme se minimalizovat povrchy bounding boxů vnitřních uzlů BVH.


  •  — surface area of node

  •  — the root of the BVH

  •  — global BVH cost

  •  — traversal cost

  •  — intersection cost

  •  — triangles per leaf

Progressive Hierarchical Refinement (PHR)
  • progressivelly refined cut of existing auxilary BVH (using LBVH)

Parallel Locally Ordered Clustering (PLOC)
  • sort triangles based on Morton codes

  • process the sorted sequence bottom-up

  • merge closest clusters, repeat until only one cluster remains (in parallel)

Extended Morton Codes (EMS)
  • 1st idea: encode object size

  • 2nd idea: variable lengths based on size of scene bbox

Parallel Insertion Based Optimization
  • Search for new positions of all nodes.

  • Resolve conflicts by picking higher cost reduction.

  • Reinsert not conflicting nodes.


modified SAH for animations

Ray Classification for BVH Traversal
  • ray space subdivision + precomputed compact candidate lists

  • algorithm for optimized candidate list computation

Fractals, L-Systems


  • from latin "fractus" — broken, fractured

  • in nature

  • self-similar

  • Koch line & snowflake

Space filling curves (SFC)
  • fills a unit square / cube / hypercube / …​

  • iterative construction allows arbitrary resolution

  • Z-order curve / Morton space filling curve / Morton code — maps multidimensional data do one dimension while preserving locality of data points

  • Hilbert curve — hranatá — sometimes more effective than Morton CFC

  • useful in CG data structures (e.g. quadtrees, octrees, BVHs, texture mapping in GPU memory)

  • Moore curve — like Hilbert, but loopier

  • Peano curve — probably the oldest one

  • Dragon curve

  • Gosper curve / island

Topological dimension
  • the number of parameters needed to describe a point "inside" the object

  • point → 0

  • line → 1 ()

  • plane → 2

  • → 3

  • …​

Fractal dimension
  • if we divide into N pieces, we need to scale by N to see one piece → top scale: , t.j.

  • in case of squares: , t.j.

  • fractal dimension is

  • measurement → box counting method → how many boxes cover the object?

Lindenmayer system (L-systems)
  • parallel rewriting systems

  • typically model growth of plants

  • Prusinkiewicz, Hanan

  • D0L-system

  • bracketed, open, parametric, context-sensitive, stochastic, combined

Iterated function systems
  • fractal is made by smaller copies of itself

  • contractive — bring points closer together

  • Sierpinski triangle

  • Menger sponge

  • dvojice , kde je množina transformací a je množina pravděpodobností

    • součet pravděpodobností = 1

    • scale transformations < 1 (contractive)

Fractals in complex plane
  • Mandelbrot set

  • Julia sets

  • ???

Terrain generation by midpoint displacement
  • pseudo-fractal

  • enhanced midpoint displacement

  • ???

GPU Acceleration for General Processing

Task parallelism
  • the problem is decomposed into parallel tasks

  • tasks are complex but different

  • they are difficult to synchronize

  • best for a low number of high-performance processors/cores (CPUs)

Data parallelism
  • on the level of data structures

  • same operation on multiple elements of a data structure

  • best for a high number of lower-performance processors/cores (GPUs)

Computational Photography

  • photography + computation = better pictures

  • combining multiple exposures into one — elimination of over- and under-exposures

  • relighting using synthetized renders from terrain data

  • dehazing

  • changing depth of field

  • image forensics

Obtaining position and orientation of a camera
  • GeoPose3K - a bunch of images of mountains with known location and orientation

  • for each image they render depth, normals, semantic segmentation

  • for each image it produces a descriptor

  • it uses these descriptors to find the closest match

  • NN for creating the descriptors based on a database — silhouette edges, semantic segmentation

    • mostly T-junctions



squares and hexagones


regular and iregular (TIN)

Height map
  • 2d texture storing elevation

  • cannot store caves and arches

  • given 4 points, the triangulation is ambiguous

  • rendered by indexing and triangle strips

Digital countours

control points of spline curves

  • 3d grids

  • render cubes, marching cubes, raytracing, raymarching, machine learning

  • manual or automatic

  • texture splatting — combines multiple textures by applying an alpha map

    • with tiles — 16 edge transitions, 16 corner transitions

Real Terrain Data
  • Digital Elevation Models (DEM)

  • ČR: ČUZK

  • World: USGS

Larger outdoor environments

require a lot of bandwidth, this is solved by:

  • quadtrees (quads), ROAM (triangles) — pre-defined multiresolution terrain representation

    • distance from camera and geometry → required fidelity

    • frustum culling — nodes outside of camera are not rendered at all

    • require processing by the CPU

  • clipmaps

    • almost all happens on GPU

    • terrain as a 2D elevation image → mipmap pyramid

    • caches a square window of n-by-n samples in each level (centered in the viewer, finer-level → smaller space)

    • boundaries are too visible → smooth morphing between levels

    • rendering: break rings into smaller 2D footprint pieces → reuse in and across levels

    • optimization: viewer height → coarser levels

  • tesselation: modern alternative/addition to ROAM/Clipmaps

    • used with displacement maps

Artifical Terrain Map (Fractal geometry)

Mid-point displacement
  1. Split each line into two segments

  2. Move the new points by random offsets (smaller each iteration)

  3. Repeat (until desired resolution).

    Works in 2D by splitting a quad into four segments.

Random faults
  1. Split the plane with a line.

  2. Move one side up, other down.

  3. Repeat (until desired smoothness).

2D Perlin noise

by combining multiple noise functions fractally, we get a pretty good terrain

Fractional Brownian Motion
  • position of a given object changes in random increments

  • integral of white noise

  • fractional → memory → increments are not dependent

    • Hurst exponent, Gain factor

  • central differences

  • derivates of noise in lattice grid → normals

Participating Media in Computer Graphics

light interacts between and below surfaces

Volume rendering
  • 2D pixel → 3D voxel

  • useful for rendering of atmospheric effects, fluids, translucent solids, biological tissues, medical data, …​

Radiative transfer in volumes
  • can be solved analyticall for homonogenous volumes

  • has to be solved by numerical approximation otherwise

  • back-to-front / front-to-back compositing

    • front-to-back can be terminated early when alpha ~ 1

Raycasting / slicing
  • Raycasting: sampling happens on equidistant points along each ray

    • concentric spherical shells

    • easier to implement, early termination is trivial, more flexible than slicing

  • Slicing: shells are approximated using view-aligned planes

    • better for memory access

Volume rendering pipeline
  1. reconstruction — turn sets of discrete samples into 3D functions using interpolation / filters

  2. classification — mapping of data attributes to optical properties (e.g. transparency, color)

    • can happen before or after reconstruction

  3. shading — make structures more realistic by applying an illumination model

    • gradient vector instead of normals

  4. compositing

    • accumulation — optical model of radiative transfer (emission + absorption)

    • first hit

    • averaging

    • maximum intensity

Global volume illumination
  • volumetric photon mapping

    • photons are shot from light sources, once a photon interacts with a medium, it is stored in a photon map

    • ray casting and estimation using photon maps

  • interactive approximations

From 2D Sketch to 3D Animated Character via Quadratic Programming

Non-linear programming

solving an optimization problem where some of the constraints are not linear

Quadratic programming

non-linear programming with quadratic functions

Sketch-based modeling
  1. draw a sketch

  2. order parts according to depth

  3. part openings are stitched onto the body

  4. ARAP-L: deformation + inflation

ARAP-L(ayered) deformation
  • can have positional constraints

  • joint inflation + deformation

  • produces better results than inflation, then deformation