vector field
each fixed point on a grid stores fluid velocity
for each point in grid we store: — — fluid velocity — — pressure — …
PA213 Advanced Computer Graphics
Fluid Simulation and Rendering
Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Ray Tracing
Fractals, L-Systems
GPU Acceleration for General Processing
Computational Photography
Participating Media in Computer Graphics
From 2D Sketch to 3D Animated Character via Quadratic Programming
types of BVH creation,
Terrain map optimizations through the similar to MIN MAP method (closer with more detial further with less based on multiple different level of detail maps),
2 types of parallelism,
ray-tracing / slicing in volume rendering,
Hilbert curve.
Fluid Simulation and Rendering
- Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic
simulate fluid using a set of particles (Lagrange)
compute forces using Euler
smooth properties of particles into continuous fields
on the fields we use momentum and incompressibility
(isn’t needed because we simulate particles)
particles move with the fluid → is not needed
we only need to solve
we recall Newton’s 2nd law of motion →
Euler approach
- Incompressible constraint
volume of any subregion of the fluid is constant over time
- Homogeneous constraint
fluid density doesn’t change
- Navier-Stokes equations
velocity → vector field
pressure → scalar field
partial differential equations define changes in over time
— pressure scalar field
— density of fluid
— viscosity — resistance to deformation
— acceleration vector field, e.g. gravity
— gradient operator
— divergence operator
— directional derivative
— Laplacian
custom equations (i.e. temperature, smoke density) can be added
- Rendering
ray marching — sample 3d texture along the ray and sum up
first render box back faces — into alpha
second render box front faces — into z
extract start points and ray length
special case: camera intersects volume → use near plane instead
"banding" artifact: caused by integral number of samples → weigh values of samples by their distance from the camera
Lagrange approach
fluid is a set of particles
each particle stores: — — mass — — position vector — — velocity vector — — total external force
- Newton’s equations of motion
- Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)
a differential equation of one variable (it may contain functions of that variables and its derivatives)
- Moving particles
using an ODE:
solving using Euler:
solving using midpoint:
- External forces
gravity: , where typically
Lennard-Jones force between particles
Height-field surface approximation
model of fluid surface
change of in time is given by
is the speed of waves
we need an auxilary function to solve discretely
Bounding Volume Hierarchies (BVH) for Ray Tracing
BVH reduce ray/scene traversal complexity from to .
- BVH construction methods
- Efficient BVH
fast insertion query
fast construction / updates
- Surface Area Heuristic (SAH)
Snažíme se minimalizovat povrchy bounding boxů vnitřních uzlů BVH.
— surface area of node
— the root of the BVH
— global BVH cost
— traversal cost
— intersection cost
— triangles per leaf
- Progressive Hierarchical Refinement (PHR)
progressivelly refined cut of existing auxilary BVH (using LBVH)
- Parallel Locally Ordered Clustering (PLOC)
sort triangles based on Morton codes
process the sorted sequence bottom-up
merge closest clusters, repeat until only one cluster remains (in parallel)
- Extended Morton Codes (EMS)
1st idea: encode object size
2nd idea: variable lengths based on size of scene bbox
- Parallel Insertion Based Optimization
Search for new positions of all nodes.
Resolve conflicts by picking higher cost reduction.
Reinsert not conflicting nodes.
modified SAH for animations
- Ray Classification for BVH Traversal
ray space subdivision + precomputed compact candidate lists
algorithm for optimized candidate list computation
Fractals, L-Systems
from latin "fractus" — broken, fractured
in nature
Koch line & snowflake
- Space filling curves (SFC)
fills a unit square / cube / hypercube / …
iterative construction allows arbitrary resolution
Z-order curve / Morton space filling curve / Morton code — maps multidimensional data do one dimension while preserving locality of data points
Hilbert curve — hranatá — sometimes more effective than Morton CFC
useful in CG data structures (e.g. quadtrees, octrees, BVHs, texture mapping in GPU memory)
Moore curve — like Hilbert, but loopier
Peano curve — probably the oldest one
Dragon curve
Gosper curve / island
- Topological dimension
the number of parameters needed to describe a point "inside" the object
point → 0
line → 1 ()
plane → 2
→ 3
- Fractal dimension
if we divide into N pieces, we need to scale by N to see one piece → top scale: , t.j.
in case of squares: , t.j.
fractal dimension is →
measurement → box counting method → how many boxes cover the object?
- Lindenmayer system (L-systems)
parallel rewriting systems
typically model growth of plants
Prusinkiewicz, Hanan
bracketed, open, parametric, context-sensitive, stochastic, combined
- Iterated function systems
fractal is made by smaller copies of itself
contractive — bring points closer together
Sierpinski triangle
Menger sponge
dvojice , kde je množina transformací a je množina pravděpodobností
součet pravděpodobností = 1
scale transformations < 1 (contractive)
- Fractals in complex plane
Mandelbrot set
Julia sets
- Terrain generation by midpoint displacement
enhanced midpoint displacement
GPU Acceleration for General Processing
- Task parallelism
the problem is decomposed into parallel tasks
tasks are complex but different
they are difficult to synchronize
best for a low number of high-performance processors/cores (CPUs)
- Data parallelism
on the level of data structures
same operation on multiple elements of a data structure
best for a high number of lower-performance processors/cores (GPUs)
Computational Photography
photography + computation = better pictures
combining multiple exposures into one — elimination of over- and under-exposures
relighting using synthetized renders from terrain data
changing depth of field
image forensics
- Obtaining position and orientation of a camera
GeoPose3K - a bunch of images of mountains with known location and orientation
for each image they render depth, normals, semantic segmentation
- Cross-locate
for each image it produces a descriptor
it uses these descriptors to find the closest match
NN for creating the descriptors based on a database — silhouette edges, semantic segmentation
mostly T-junctions
- Tile-based
squares and hexagones
- Mesh-based
regular and iregular (TIN)
- Height map
2d texture storing elevation
cannot store caves and arches
given 4 points, the triangulation is ambiguous
rendered by indexing and triangle strips
- Digital countours
control points of spline curves
- Voxels
3d grids
render cubes, marching cubes, raytracing, raymarching, machine learning
- Transitions
manual or automatic
texture splatting — combines multiple textures by applying an alpha map
with tiles — 16 edge transitions, 16 corner transitions
- Real Terrain Data
Digital Elevation Models (DEM)
World: USGS
- Larger outdoor environments
require a lot of bandwidth, this is solved by:
quadtrees (quads), ROAM (triangles) — pre-defined multiresolution terrain representation
distance from camera and geometry → required fidelity
frustum culling — nodes outside of camera are not rendered at all
require processing by the CPU
almost all happens on GPU
terrain as a 2D elevation image → mipmap pyramid
caches a square window of n-by-n samples in each level (centered in the viewer, finer-level → smaller space)
boundaries are too visible → smooth morphing between levels
rendering: break rings into smaller 2D footprint pieces → reuse in and across levels
optimization: viewer height → coarser levels
tesselation: modern alternative/addition to ROAM/Clipmaps
used with displacement maps
Artifical Terrain Map (Fractal geometry)
- Mid-point displacement
Split each line into two segments
Move the new points by random offsets (smaller each iteration)
Repeat (until desired resolution).
Works in 2D by splitting a quad into four segments.
- Random faults
Split the plane with a line.
Move one side up, other down.
Repeat (until desired smoothness).
- 2D Perlin noise
by combining multiple noise functions fractally, we get a pretty good terrain
- Fractional Brownian Motion
position of a given object changes in random increments
integral of white noise
fractional → memory → increments are not dependent
Hurst exponent, Gain factor
- Normals
central differences
derivates of noise in lattice grid → normals
Participating Media in Computer Graphics
light interacts between and below surfaces
- Volume rendering
2D pixel → 3D voxel
useful for rendering of atmospheric effects, fluids, translucent solids, biological tissues, medical data, …
- Radiative transfer in volumes
can be solved analyticall for homonogenous volumes
has to be solved by numerical approximation otherwise
back-to-front / front-to-back compositing
front-to-back can be terminated early when alpha ~ 1
- Raycasting / slicing
Raycasting: sampling happens on equidistant points along each ray
concentric spherical shells
easier to implement, early termination is trivial, more flexible than slicing
Slicing: shells are approximated using view-aligned planes
better for memory access
- Volume rendering pipeline
reconstruction — turn sets of discrete samples into 3D functions using interpolation / filters
classification — mapping of data attributes to optical properties (e.g. transparency, color)
can happen before or after reconstruction
shading — make structures more realistic by applying an illumination model
gradient vector instead of normals
accumulation — optical model of radiative transfer (emission + absorption)
first hit
maximum intensity
- Global volume illumination
volumetric photon mapping
photons are shot from light sources, once a photon interacts with a medium, it is stored in a photon map
ray casting and estimation using photon maps
interactive approximations
From 2D Sketch to 3D Animated Character via Quadratic Programming
- Non-linear programming
solving an optimization problem where some of the constraints are not linear
- Quadratic programming
non-linear programming with quadratic functions
- Sketch-based modeling
draw a sketch
order parts according to depth
part openings are stitched onto the body
ARAP-L: deformation + inflation
- ARAP-L(ayered) deformation
can have positional constraints
joint inflation + deformation
produces better results than inflation, then deformation